If you’re buying or selling a property in today’s market, it’s vital that you hire a licensed or certified appraiser.
If you want to be sure that your property is being valued accurately and fairly, then hiring someone adequately trained and vetted by state authorities is essential.
The home appraisal industry is heavily regulated to ensure qualified professionals do all appraisals. However, there are still concerns about how often real estate agents, other individuals, and Fannie Mae use unlicensed data collectors instead of licensed or certified appraisers.
You need the best report.
In today’s market, ensuring that your appraiser is licensed or certified is more critical than ever. Professional appraisers who are licensed or certified are less likely to be used as pawns by real estate agents and other individuals who stand to profit from inflated appraisal reports. This can be especially critical when it comes time for the homebuyer or seller to negotiate a price for their property.
You want to be able to trust your appraiser.
You want to be able to trust your appraiser. Licensed or certified appraisers are held to a higher standard than their unlicensed counterparts, and they’re required by law to follow a code of conduct. They’re also held accountable for their actions by their state licensing board, which can impose disciplinary measures if necessary.
Licensed or certified appraisers are also obligated to be honest and transparent when performing their work; this means providing accurate information about the property being appraised and answering questions from potential buyers or sellers honestly (even if those answers aren’t necessarily what you want).
It’s in your best interest & the lender’s to hire a Professional.
It’s in your best interest and the lenders to hire a licensed or certified appraiser. Licensed or certified appraisers are trained professionals who look at homes to find problems and maximize value, not just give you their opinion on what they think it’s worth based on what they paid for their own home or how much they would like to pay for yours.
A professional appraisal is required when taking out a mortgage loan, refinancing an existing loan, or making an offer on real estate. The purpose of these appraisals is twofold: firstly, it provides documentation that can be used in negotiating terms with the seller; secondly, it protects both parties involved if there are issues with the sale after closing.
Licensed or certified appraisers have special training and certifications to ensure that their work is accurate and legally defensible-meaning the appraisal is legally defensible in court, which means that it’s more likely to stand up in a legal proceeding.
Licensed Appraisers are less likely to be used as pawns by real estate agents and other individuals who stand to profit from inflated appraisal reports.
Licensed or certified appraisers are highly trained professionals with a reputation to uphold. They have a code of ethics to follow and are accountable for their work, subject to disciplinary action if they fail to meet professional standards. In short, licensed appraisers cannot be used as pawns by real estate agents or other individuals who stand to profit from inflated appraisal reports. (2)
Appraisers are unbiased, which is a big advantage that can not be understated.
Here is what you are facing when an unlicensed appraiser or unlicensed data collector is hired:
- An unlicensed appraiser or data collector will not have the education, experience, or knowledge to provide the best possible service.
- They may not be aware of laws and regulations that could affect the appraisal process.
- Or they may not be trained in fair market value analysis.
- Unlicensed appraisers or data collectors do not have liability insurance, which may affect their ability to conduct business without risk.
- They may not have access to the information needed to perform an appraisal properly.
Hiring an unlicensed appraiser can potentially cause more harm than good, so hiring a professional is key!
Licensed appraisals are prepared by professional and expert individuals who will provide you with the most accurate results possible. They must take continuing education courses, be bonded, have minimum experience, and pass both written and practical exams before becoming licensed appraisers. Licensed or certified Appraisers must also carry out errors and omissions insurance (E&O).
Our appraisals are prepared by professional and expert individuals who will provide you with the most accurate results possible.
It’s vital that you hire a licensed or certified appraiser. The market is constantly changing, and it’s crucial that you have an expert on hand who can provide you with accurate results. Our appraisers are experts in their field and will provide you with the best report possible, so there are no surprises when it comes time for closing or refinancing your property!
If you are looking to order an appraisal for a home purchase, or listing appraisal, or need a floor plan, ordered-we’ve got you covered! You can order quickly and easily online below.